Contribute to devoptimist/nexus_cli_sb development by creating an account on GitHub.
Utilize GTmetrix's testing environment in your own application or tool with our REST API. The GTmetrix API is based on the Web Testing Framework (WTF) Testing Service API which is RESTful API. Journalism and publishing terms list, print and online, collated by our community of journalists, bloggers, editors, sub-editors, designers, PRs and other communications professionals working worldwide in newspapers, magazines, radio and TV Therefore, you will just need to install the app to see people from your phone’s contacts who already use the software. LockJar manages Java Jars for Ruby. Contribute to mguymon/lock_jar development by creating an account on GitHub. Chef recipes for Nexus Repository Manager. Contribute to sonatype/chef-nexus-repository-manager development by creating an account on GitHub. Puppet module to manage Sonatype Nexus. Contribute to unibet/puppet-nexus development by creating an account on GitHub. Download artifacts from Sonatype Nexus as part of a Capistrano v3 deployment. - jmpage/capistrano_scm_nexus
Maven represents dependencies in an XML file called Project Object Model (POM). archives, source archives, Flash libraries and applications, and Ruby libraries. Download and install the CollabNet Nexus integration plugin. Change visibility from requirements to source code all the way to deployed binary artifacts. Open NX-OS on the Cisco Nexus platform is a rich software suite built on a Linux foundation that Run sudo su; Copy the required script to /isan/python/scripts/cisco directory. Following steps would execute the manifest files on nx9000 switch. Run 'service puppetserver start' or '/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/ruby package manager - /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL Once downloaded, execute the installation script ("open" the .msi file). Execute the install file that you just downloaded. hostname in certificate didn't match:
Converts SPEC data files and scans into NeXus HDF5 files - prjemian/spec2nexus :books: Freely available programming books. Contribute to EbookFoundation/free-programming-books development by creating an account on GitHub. SBT Plugin for Owasp DependencyCheck. Monitor your dependencies and report if there are any publicly known vulnerabilities (e.g. CVEs). :rainbow: - albuch/sbt-dependency-check Puppet module for Sonatype Nexus. Contribute to hubspotdevops/puppet-nexus development by creating an account on GitHub. That damn Nexus 1646 is out of stock in UK. Get a mail a minute later is back to stock. Need cron and UK based hosting. - gfrancesco/nexus-ping The site limited the number of projects one person could have to 25. Additionally, there was a limit on the number of projects that could be created in one day, a 200 MB default upload file size limit, which could be raised, and a 5 GB per…
Aug 19, 2017 Cisco has provided a Nexus vagrant box for download from Code versions used file. # -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| config.vm.define "n9kv1" do |n9kv1| bundledDepends , they are also downloaded to the root directory / and unpacked if Before executing your code, the system saves the job input in the file Feb 8, 2018 Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager OSS/Pro versions 2.14.5 and below Change Mirror Download Uploading a file with JavaScript code A CLI wrapper around Sonatype Nexus REST calls. Requirements. Ruby. Installation. Install the Gem - gem install nexus_cli; Create a file in your user's home chef-nexus is a Ruby gem that provides the `nexus` Chef resource for managing artifacts on Nexus by Sonatype. - blackberry/chef-nexus Repository Management with Nexus | While Ruby does not borrow many features from Python, reading the code for Python helped Matz develop Ruby.[1]
This plugin integrates Sonatype Nexus to Jenkins. dependencies · Support to scan and evaluate identified dependencies from a CycloneDX SBOM file